  • Christmas message from Pure Ideas

Happy Holidays from the Pure Ideas Team!

Another year of Pure Ideas:2021 has been another whirlwind of a year! Just like you, we have had to adapt and improvise due to Covid-19. But with these adaptions, we have some great news we would like to share with you.A message from Katia Douglas, Commercial

December 15th, 2021|Updates|
  • man surfing the lip of a wave

Surfs Up – Patent US2531946A

Surfs Up! - Patent US2531946A It’s that time of year when, Covid permitting, lots of people hit the beach for relaxation, to admire the scenery and watch as I am at the present time some magnificent surfing! Having tried with little success to standing on a board, even paddle

November 8th, 2021|All Articles, Patents|
  • microscope viewing petri dish

Join Pure Ideas at the Med-Tech Innovation Expo

Join Pure Ideas at the Med-Tech Innovation Expo 28 - 29 September, NEC Birmingham Med-Tech Innovation Expo is the UK & Ireland’s leading event for medical device design and manufacturing technology. Experience live demonstrations of the latest machines, technology, products and services while networking with more than 4,000 designers,

September 21st, 2021|All Articles, Events, Technology|
  • Let’s Talk about Protecting your Ideas podcast hero image

The New Pure Ideas Podcast

The Launch of the Let's Talk Pure Ideas PodcastWe are very excited to launch our Podcast series brought to you by the friendly inside voices of Pure Ideas: Sam Jinks - Senior Patent Attorney, Danni Wears - Trade Marks & Designs Paralegal and Katia Douglas - Commercial Director.Our First Episode:Episode

September 9th, 2021|All Articles, Updates|
  • Calculator for creating an invoice

Cost of Intellectual Property

Cost of Intellectual Property They say you get what you pay for and this is certainly the case with Intellectual Property. There is the paid protection approach and the laissez faire e.g. technical innovation patent compared to trade secret/know-how, registered trademark compared to reputation/passing off and registered design compared

May 19th, 2021|All Articles, Intellectual Property|
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